Welcome to PSYC 350 Laboratory

Lab 1

Instructor: Emma Marshall, JD, MA

Today’s Tasks

  • Brief Introduction to:
    • Who I am
    • What you will learn
    • Why this class matters
    • How things will work

Lab Instructor

Emma Marshall, JD, MA
📧 Email
Office Hours: zoom | BURN 230

  • Law-Psychology (Joint JD/PhD) Program
    • Studies legal decision-making
    • Brank Law & Policy Lab

What you will learn

Learning Objectives 🎯

  • How to…
    • 🔍 Locate, summarize, critique, & integrate primary research and research reviews
    • 💭 Propose original research hypotheses based on your consideration of previous research
    • 📋 Plan the procedures & materials for data collection & analysis relevant to research hypotheses
    • 💬 Report all of the above using a standard (i.e., APA) format and style

Lab Materials 📚

  • Canvas: Lab section page for links to materials, lectures & assignments
  • Zotero: APA-citation manager
  • SPSS or Jamovi: Data analysis




SPSS vs. Jamovi



  • Available in Lab
    • Costs $$
    • Widely used



  • Personal only
    • FREE
    • Built on R

Lab Grade (40% total)

  • Lab assignments (20%)
    • In-Class
    • Take-Home
  • Research project (20%)
    • Literature Review
    • APA-Style Report


Why is this lab required?

Psych majors
vs. Psych professionals

The key distinction is ability
to EVALUATE and CREATE new knowledge

💭 Evaluate Knowledge

📋 Create Knowledge

Empirical Research

  • Informs various real world decisions & processes
    • 📢 Peer-review & replication provide credibility
    • 💼 Not limited to academic psychology

Who does what

What is known

How to decide

Evaluating Knowledge 💭

Everyone needs to know how to understand & consume empirical research…

  • Competent consumers can:
    • 🔍 Find relevant research
    • 📋 Evaluate (& critique) research quality (theory, methods, stats)
    • 🎯 Apply (& integrate) valuable research information to own work

Creating Knowledge 📋

Many jobs require research skills

  • Funding sources, clients & employers look for:
    • 📊 Evidence-based decision-making
    • Efficiency and cost related concerns
    • 🚥 Competitive advantage

Creating Knowledge 📋

Many jobs require research skills

  • People who understand the research process and can evaluate, integrate, and apply empirical research have:
    • 💸 Better job prospects
    • 🏆 Improved job performance
    • 🔖 More flexibility!

Lecture vs. Lab

  • Purpose of LECTURE is to LEARN
    • Vocabulary
    • Underlying concepts

  • Purpose of LAB is to PRACTICE
    • Application
    • Research skills

So, what does this mean?

Research skills are not only foundational but also iterative

  • You cannot bull💩 success in this class…
    • 📣 Build a solid foundation
    • 💭 Develop strategies that work for YOU
    • Take the time to learn how to read a recipe AND cook it



  • Take this course seriously…
    • …if you want a good grade.
    • …if you want to go to graduate school.
    • …if you want a job in any industry.
    • …if you want to understand … the world!

Keep in Mind 👀


  • You need a “C” (not a “C-”) for this course to count toward the Psychology Major
    • You must complete all exams to receive a passing grade in this course
    • You must complete all the take-home laboratory assignments to receive a passing grade in this class
    • You must attend lab classes to receive a passing grade in this class

How to Succeed 🎯

  • Do the work…
  • Come to lab…
  • Be professional…
    • Embrace the process!

Don’t freak out! 🌝
