

Said about Ebony: “She’s always at an 11, isn’t she?” (Yes, she is.); Said about Andy: “The force is strong with this one.”


Andy (dachshund); Ebony (rat terrier mix???)

Bad Habit:

The vet recently asked if Ebony is an “indiscriminate eater.” Yes, yes she is. Acorns? Yum! Roadkill? Sure! Is that garbage? I’ll taste it! Andy is older than time and must be respected as such. He resents any suggestion that he could possibly have a bad habit.

Special Talent:

Andy has a unique ability to communicate sarcasm with side-eye. Ebony makes everyone she meets feel special and loved.

Submitted by: Twila Wingrove, JD, PhD


Andy was born in rural Nebraska, the runt of the litter and the last to get adopted. Nonetheless, he found a home and he’s brought me comfort and snoozles every day since. Andy rules the house and I’m grateful he lets me stay. Ebony had an unstable childhood. She doesn’t talk much about it. She joined my home when she was around 4, after multiple stints at the local humane society. Now, she brings me high energy, early morning silliness, tons of love, a touch of anxiety, and the occasional outburst of bad manners.